
Contact us


Kauppapuistikko 16, 65100 Vaasa / Sähköposti: info(at)rensa.fi / Y-tunnus: 3195776-1

Frequently Asked Questions

You will have access to the OmaRensa service, where you will find:

  • The new debt management plan
  • The approved service agreement
  • You can track your payments and how the funds have been transferred to your loans
  • You can securely contact our customer service


Credits, including credit cards, remain valid, but we recommend avoiding their use. This helps you become debt-free faster.

Although you still receive bills from creditors, you can ignore them when you follow the new Rensa-prepared and billed debt management plan.

You will keep your credit rating intact as long as you follow the new debt management plan.

If a loan is terminated and sent to a collection agency, it can cause a payment delay mark. Additionally, if the debt is taken to court and receives a judgment, you can avoid a payment default mark if you pay the entire debt with interest and costs. The debt will go to enforcement if payments are not made, resulting in a payment default mark. The enforcement agency will then collect the debt according to the Enforcement Act.

If you have payment default marks and aim to restore your credit rating, Rensa’s Basic service is an excellent tool for resolving debts and clearing your credit records. This is because, once all your debts in enforcement are paid off, the payment default marks are removed within 30 days.

Yes, you will always get a tailored debt management plan from us, allowing you to pay off your loans faster.

If you have payment default marks and aim to restore your credit rating, Rensa’s Basic service is an excellent tool for resolving debts and clearing your credit records. This is because, once all your debts in enforcement are paid off, the payment default marks are removed within 30 days.

Additionally, if you have a steady income and are not addicted to gambling, you may be eligible to use our Premium service.

To be a Rensa customer, your main bank must be one of the following: Nordea, OP, Danske Bank, Handelsbanken, Säästöpankki, S-pankki, POP-pankki, or Ålandsbanken.

When it comes to adding loans and credits to the debt management service, almost all banks and lenders are possible.

Yes. You can call banks, financiers, and collection agencies yourself and try to negotiate debt arrangements with them. Rensa’s experts are financial professionals and negotiate similar deals daily – that’s why we believe we can achieve a significantly better outcome for you.

“RENSA helped me organize my debts into a clear payment plan. Now I’m well on my way to being debt-free!”